Bites Radio - The Athlete Edition ft. Eden Morris, RD

We really do live in a small world, and the connection that Vanessa and I have is a perfect example!

I started following Vanessa Jane a couple months ago on Instagram because her profile looked amazing! She's a fellow private practice dietitian, former collegiate athlete, and entrepreneur. I didn't realize our connection until she asked me to be a guest on her podcast! Vanessa and I briefly worked together as clinical dietitians in Dallas, Texas - I had forgotten this until she pointed it out to me! She currently lives in Miami, Florida, and I live in Jackson, Wyoming, but it's really neat to see how small the world of nutrition can be.

In this episode, we discuss the effects of nutrition on sport performance, body image issues, mental health, and much more! We also discuss my experiences as a collegiate athlete, the aftermath, depression that can result from feeling major loss of identity after collegiate sports end, and how I regained my footing in a whole new world of nutrition and self care.

Check out this episode and the other episodes on Bites Radio for super useful, easy, realistic ways to improve your health.

On this very special episode of Bites Radio, we discuss the effects of nutrition on sports and performance, body image issues, mental health, and much more! Eden Morris, RD, takes us through her experiences as a college athlete, the aftermath, and how she's regained her footing in a whole new world of nutrition and self care.


How Nutrition Connects Us, Part 2: Lolly Steuart


Stories From A Mountain Town: Eden Morris, MS, RD, LD