The Role of a Coach

Yesterday, I had the privilege of speaking to the Jackson Hole Ski & Snowboard Club about the roles coaches play in the lives of their athletes, and how coaches have a tremendous impact on their athletes' mental, physical, and nutritional health.

As I was preparing for this presentation, I recalled some of the coaches who were more than just coaches to me. I still remember their guidance and advice about how to conduct myself on and off the field. Specifically, I thought of Chenita Rogers-Edwards (club coach from age 15-18), Tina Whitlock (private catching coach in high school), Greg Grall (my private catching coach in college), the Hackett family in Ringgold, Georgia, and Bill Hudson (private pitching coach from age 10-16). Without these individuals, I would not be who I am today, and I am so grateful for mentors like them.

Yes, I have worked very hard to be where I am now, but I would not be the woman I am today without wonderful, supportive parents, and coaches who encouraged me and recognized that their athletes are humans first and athletes second.

To all of those coaches who pushed me and encouraged me to be all that I can be, I want to say thank you. The world needs more positive role models like you, and I am forever grateful for the role you played in my athletic and personal journey that has led me to the life I am leading today.

Picture credits: my dad Marcus Morris


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October 6th, 2020: Public Statement Regarding Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment