Pocket Snacks 1.23.25: The Power of One - How Small Actions Create Big Change
Pocket Snacks, Recipes Eden Morris Pocket Snacks, Recipes Eden Morris

Pocket Snacks 1.23.25: The Power of One - How Small Actions Create Big Change

"The power of one" refers to the idea that even a single individual can create significant positive change by taking action, no matter how small, which can inspire others and ripple out to create a larger impact on the community; essentially, one person's positive actions can lead to a chain reaction of good deeds, making a real difference in the world around them.

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Pocket Snacks 9.26.24: You’ve been taught how to diet, not how to eat. Let me explain.
Pocket Snacks Eden Morris Pocket Snacks Eden Morris

Pocket Snacks 9.26.24: You’ve been taught how to diet, not how to eat. Let me explain.

Many of us learned which foods were "good" or "bad" from a young age. But this kind of mindset toward food is reductive and prevents us from adequately nourishing ourselves. Inside this batch of her weekly newsletter, Eden dives deeper into this concept, recommends 2 podcast episodes if you're feeling anxious about the upcoming Holidays, and a recipe that incorporates seasonal ingredients.

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