Pocket Snacks 8.28.24: 10 Ways Parents Can Help Teens with Food and Their Bodies
In this week's batch of Pocket Snacks, Eden shares ways parents can help their teens find a more peaceful relationship with food and their bodies. She also shares 2 podcast episodes and a seasonal treat she's loving!
Pocket Snacks 9.4.24: 5 Steps to Enjoying Seasonal Treats without Food Guilt 🎃
Eden's weekly dose of snacks includes a mindset shift, a media recommendation, and a snack/recipe she's loving!
What an RD Eats in Jackson Hole
What an RD Eats in Jackson Hole - I’m a registered dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor who eats all foods to support my active lifestyle in the Tetons!
4 Hard Truths for Athletes
4 Hard Truths for Athletes - from a former college athlete turned mountain athlete who learned the hard way what can happen when we internalize diet culture’s messages.
5 Tips for the REAL Perfect Summer Body
5 tips to help you feel comfortable in your current body leading up to the summer months
Intuitive Eating Professionals React to Oprah’s Special: “Shame, Blame, and the Weight Loss Revolution”
Get ready for a special episode as Intuitive Eating Professionals Ryann (Licensed Therapist), Allie (Registered Dietitian), Eden (Registered Dietitian), Dani (Licensed Therapist), and Cilla (Licensed Therapist) come together to unpack the recent Hulu special, ‘An Oprah Special: Shame, Blame, and the Weight Loss Revolution.’
My Take on Functional Tests: HTMA, DUTCH, GI-MAP
My professional take on widely used tests in the functional medicine space including the HTMA, DUTCH, and GI-MAP tests.
Podcast Episode: “A Well-Fed Body is a Resilient Body”
In 2022, I quit teaching for a very popular weight loss program (and they HATE IT when I talk about why I left ), and I decided to become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor when I finally read Intuitive Eating that fall. Now, I work for a virtual private practice and my main goal is to help people find a more peaceful relationship with food and their body.