What an RD Eats in Jackson Hole
Eden Morris Eden Morris

What an RD Eats in Jackson Hole

What an RD Eats in Jackson Hole - I’m a registered dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor who eats all foods to support my active lifestyle in the Tetons!

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4 Hard Truths for Athletes
Eden Morris Eden Morris

4 Hard Truths for Athletes

4 Hard Truths for Athletes - from a former college athlete turned mountain athlete who learned the hard way what can happen when we internalize diet culture’s messages.

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Podcast Episode: “A Well-Fed Body is a Resilient Body”
Eden Morris Eden Morris

Podcast Episode: “A Well-Fed Body is a Resilient Body”

In 2022, I quit teaching for a very popular weight loss program (and they HATE IT when I talk about why I left ), and I decided to become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor when I finally read Intuitive Eating that fall. Now, I work for a virtual private practice and my main goal is to help people find a more peaceful relationship with food and their body.

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